Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Well, I did get to play a little bit today. And I may play again some more, later on. I realized something I had forgotten a long time ago.

A while ago, I had gone with a friend to a bridal show (she was getting married in a few months time at that point) and we both put our name in to win a free makeup basket from Mary Kay. Neither of us won, but we did get a Mary Kay beauty consultant calling to schedule a session with us. Well, we got it scheduled and worked out, and the lady came to my house to play makeup with us. My two girls of course loved this completely. Long story short, I signed up to be a Mary Kay consultant and purchased their beginning kit. Long story even shorter, I went to one meeting, found out that I couldn't wear pants (all consultants had to wear knee-length skirts) and that I had to be 100% made up every moment of every day, even if I was just running to the corner store for milk and decided that this wasn't for me. I enjoy my jeans very much and I break out far too easily to be caked in make up every waking moment, on top of the fact that I'm a working mother and don't have the time to be continuously touching up. I'm just not the perfect type.

Anyway... That was a long story. To the point! I got my make up. :D And I promptly put it away and forgot about it. Today, I was going through more of Kandee's videos as well as Michelle Phan's and upset and bothered by the fact that I don't have foundation.

I haven't worn foundation in years. Like I mentioned above, I break out really easily, my pores show up horribly with foundation and I can *never* find the right colour for my skin tone. It's always too pink or too dark. Well, I remembered today that I had the Mary Kay makeup stored away and I pulled that sucker out. I found a bunch of foundations, some mascara, hand cleansers and moisturizers and face cleansers. Well that was like hitting the jackpot! My daughters so thoughtfully emptied my *brand new* face cleanser and I found a foundation that is very, very close to my skin tone, but doesn't give very much coverage, so my pores still show through a lot. I'll have to pick up more another day, but this gives me something to play with in the meantime. :D

Also, I found an eye makeup remover (I *just* ran out of mine a few days ago) and disposable face cloths for doing sessions. Well, I painted my eyes up as dark as I could, 4 or 5 layers of mascara, dark eyeliner, dark shadow, dark brows, etc. and I used some of the eye makeup remover with a disposable face cloth to test how good the remover is. WOW! The face cloth was super soft, I'm glad I've got 50 of them, and they're huge! And the remover? Double WOW! It didn't irritate my eyes at all, and it removed EVERYTHING! My normal remover would always leave a bit of the eyeliner and mascara on, just the thinnest layer, but enough that it wasn't completely gone. I'm totally happy with my finds!

Make it a great day!


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