Monday, October 12, 2009

Chalk and paint

I got to play with paints and chalk today. My girls were in the back of the apartment playing with their toys, so I pulled out our craft box and pulled out the tempra paints and the boxes of sidewalk chalk.

First I started out trying to stay neat and tidy (for once!) I got a little paint on my brush and made a few lines on the paper. Then I started mixing the colours. So far so good, no mess! But the colours weren't mixing right. Sure, if I mixed red and yellow, I got orange. But they weren't blending the way I wanted them to. So I went for the chalk. And there's my mess. lol

The sidewalk chalk we have is in large, thick sticks, and my girls have used them well. I took a box cutter and shaved a bunch of the colour off the chalks (we have pink, blue, yellow, purple and green) and dipped the (now cleaned) brush in to the water to get it slightly wet. Putting that in the powdered chalk gave me a clumpy mess to paint with, but wow did that work better.

The colours all blended really nicely, they dried really quickly and I was really pleased with how well it worked. I played around with using a lot of water and a little powder, a little bit of water and a lot of powder and everything in between. I mixed colours directly, I blended them, and it was so much fun!

When I've got the money for it, I'm going to pick up some powdered water colour paints and some pastels.

Now, you read this and you think "Oh, she's learning how to paint." but no. I'm actually dreaming of becoming a TV/movie/photography makeup artist. But, since I'm having to wait a full year before I can look at going to makeup school, I figured I'd learn everything I can about colours, using colours, colour blending, colour saturation and anything else you can think of. It can only help, right? And it gives me something to do. :D

For now, the eggless oatmeal cookies I just made from scratch with Harley are calling and I'm going to have one. :)

Make it a great day!! <3


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