Monday, October 12, 2009

Welcome to my Mess!!

Hi! Welcome to my colourful mess. I've been watching Kandee the makeup artist and she's inspired me to walk my own path of dreams. I figured I have a Google account already, so I'd start blogging. And have fun with it!!

I named it my colourful mess because one of the things that I've been inspired to start doing again is playing with colours and makeup. When I was younger, I was always doing makeup on my sister, on my friends, any time I could. And I always used a lot of colours. When I was a teenager, my mom taught me her way of doing makeup and what she taught me was that the first rule was that the most perfect makeup enhances what's already there without looking like you're wearing makeup. I took that to mean the absence of colour and my makeup has been a lot of neutrals since then.

Looking at what people are wearing now, it's a lot different than what I've been taught and the few times that I've let myself play, I've had a lot of fun with it.

The mess comes in because I always make a mess. lol Whether it's from the powdered makeup, playing with chalk and paint and making a mess with that, or if it's just clumsy spills, there's always a mess to clean up at the end. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, welcome to my mess. I'll be having a lot of fun and I hope you'll join me for the ride!!


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